

With PR2 at CSAIL, Ray and Maria Stata Center, MIT, 2012.

I am Dr. Seong-Woo Kim (김성우) an Associate Professor of Graduate School of Engineering Practice, Adjunct Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering (smart city major), Adjunct Professor of Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program, Adjunct Professor of Transdisciplinary Graduate Program in Smart City Global Convergence, Advisory professor of Ludic Culture Studies major (놀이문화학), and Study of Future major (미래학) in College of Liberal Studies, and Director of Autonomous Robot Intelligence Lab, Seoul National University. ARILab and VILab are jointly operated with Prof. Seung-Woo Seo. Before returning to SNU in 2014, I was a postdoctoral associate of Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology working with Prof. Marcelo H. Ang Jr. at National University of Singapore, Prof. Emilio Frazzoli and Prof. Daniela Rus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I am a pilot, coach who has primarily formed and trained teams composed of brilliant minds, and a faculty advisor and main sponsor of the solar car racing team at SNU. I enjoy both demolishing and constructing buildings and structures, bringing a hands-on approach to the projects. I have experiences in scaling up projects from small teams. [notion]



  • Associate Professor, Seoul National University, 2021 -

  • Assistant Professor, Seoul National University, 2017 - 2021

Selected activities

Awards and Achievement

  • ICEIC’22, Best Paper awarded at Haedong Student Research Competition, Feb. 8, 2022, “Non-myopic Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving Combining Single-Query and Multi-Query Methods”

  • Team Rudolf won the First Prize (the Prime Minister's Award) at Creative Capstone Design Competition, National Engineering Festival, Nov. 2020 [link]

  • ICISC'19, Bronze awarded, Dec, 2019, "LizarMong: Excellent Key Encapsulation Mechanism based on RLWE and RLWR" (Acceptance ratio < 25%)

  • IEEE CIS & RAM, Nominated for best student paper award, Angkor Wat, Cambodia, 16 July 2015 "Precise Free Space Detection and Its Application to Background Extraction"

  • IEEE ICCVE'14, Best Paper Finalist, Vienna, Austria, 7 Nov. 2014, "Cooperative Autonomous Driving using Cooperative Perception and Mirror Neuron Inspired Intention Awareness" (Acceptance ratio: 33.5%)

  • IEEE Wireless VITAE'09 Outstanding Student Paper Award, Aalborg, Denmark, 19 May 2009, "Dual authentications for fast handoff in IEEE 802.11 WLANs: a reactive approach"

  • IEEE ISCE'07 Best Student Paper Award, Dallas, Texas, 22 June 2007, "Dynamic sensing level selection for energy efficiency in wireless sensor network"

  • Fellowship from Samsung Electronics, Sep. 2008 - Aug. 2011


  • AI 시대 속 미래의 인간을 조망하다, ‘생성형 AI로 상상한 관악구의 3가지의 미래’, Jan. 23, 2024 [link]

  • 서울대 태양광 차 호주 월드솔라챌리지 대회 도전기, Sep. 29, 2023 [link]

  • 서울대 동아리 스누 솔로, 오는 10월 호주 세계 최대 태양광 자동차 경주 대회 출사표, Aug. 2, 2023 [link]

  • 서울대, 탄소중립 ESG ‘현장연계 미래선도 인재양성 지원사업’ 선정, Mar. 17, 2022 [link1][link2]

  • 서울대 공대 자율로봇지능 연구실-아트센터 나비, 공동 연구 개발한 AI 창작 도우미 ‘젠이’ 공개, Nov. 20, 2021 [link]

  • 동아일보, 공학도의 상상, 내일의 현실이 되다, Dec. 10, 2020 [link]

  • 서울대 공대/공학전문대학원-아트센터 나비, 인공지능 문화예술 연구 MOU 협약, Jan. 28, 2020 [link1][link2]

  • KBS, 4차산업혁명시대의 교육2, Dec. 8, 2017 [link]

  • 매일경제, '기름과 물' 공대·미대의 협업…서울대생, AI로봇 7개 만들다 (1면), July 14, 2017 [link]

  • 조선일보, 초등생때부터 글쓰고 말하고 만드는 교육을, Jan. 19, 2017 [link]

  • 조선일보, 수학·물리 공식 외우는 대신 세상에 없는 제품 만들어보라 (1면), Jan. 2, 2017 [link]

  • 조선일보, 교수 농담까지 달달 외워 A+ 받는 시대 끝내자, Jan. 2, 2017 [link]

  • KBS, 열정 미래를 열다, Jan. 1, 2017 [link]

  • 서울경제, [경제교실] 자율주행 자동차 삶을 어떻게 바꿀까요?, Oct. 18, 2016, [link]

  • 매일경제, 서울공대교수 10명중 3명 "中대학 언제든 갈것"…인재 엑소더스, Sep. 20, 2016, [link]

  • 매일경제, "망하면 어때"…강의실 뛰쳐나온 `제 2잡스`, Aug. 28, 2016 [link]

  • 전자신문, 대학생 창업 인큐베이터 `아이디어 팩토리`엔 성공 꿈이 영근다, Aug. 15, 2016 [link]

  • KBS, 상상만 하지 말고 직접 만들어라! 메이커운동 열풍, June 27, 2016 [link]

  • 매일경제, "글로벌상품 개발" 한·중·홍콩 수재들 뭉쳤다, June 21, 2016 [link]

  • 매일경제, 서울대 아이디어 팩토리 만든 `창조 3박자`, Feb. 22, 2016 [link]

  • The New York Times, "Self-Driving Cars May Get Here Before We’re Ready," Jan. 21, 2016 [link]

  • BBC, "Robot Cars Look to Beat Congestion," April 23, 2013 [link]

Academic Services

Conference and Workshop Organizing

  • Program Committee Member of AAAI'22

  • General Chair of X-AICON 2019, X-AICON 2020, X-AICON 2021, X-AICON 2022, and X-AICON 2023

  • Organizing Committee of ICEIC (International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication) 2021, and 2022

  • Program Committee of TALE 2020 [link]

  • A guest editor for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems: Special Issue Applications and Systems for Collaborative Driving, 2016-2017

  • Member of Korean Society for Engineering Education, Korea Information Processing Society, Academic Society for Appropriate Technology.

  • Local Chair, International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC), Singapore, Jan. 2015

  • Technical Program Committee for VCSC (International Workshop on Vehicular Communications, Sensing, and Computing), 2012

Journal reviewer for

  • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

  • IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

  • IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

  • IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

  • IEEE Control Systems Magazine

  • IEEE Communications Magazine

  • Computer Vision and Image Understanding - Elsevier

  • Transportation Research Part C - Elsevier

  • Robotics and Autonomous Systems - Elsevier

Conference reviewer for

  • Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)

  • AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

  • International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)

  • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)

  • IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

  • IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

  • IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)

  • IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)

  • IEEE Conference on Vehicular Technology (VTC)

  • IEEE International conferences on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, & Robotics, Automation and Mechantronics (CIS & RAM)

  • International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER)

(Top left) Above Silicon Valley and the Pacific Ocean, (top right) in front of Annapurna in Nepal, (bottom left) in front of Nitmiluk forest, and (bottom right) in the Cooper Pedy desert of Australia.