

Journal and magazine papers

  1. Mingu Jeon, Jae-Kyung Cho, Hee-Yeun Kim, Byeonggyu Park, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Non-Line-of-Sight Vehicle Localization based on Sound," under 1st revision for IEEE transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems [website]

  2. Jaeyoung Jang*, Keonwoo Kim*, Mingu Jeon, Younghwa Jung, and Seong-Woo Kim, “Extremely Rare Film Breakage Detection in Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing Process via Multivariate Time-Series Models,” under 2nd revision for IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (*equal contribution)

  3. Mingu Jeon*, In-Ho Choi*, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Extremely Rare Anomaly Detection Pipeline in Semiconductor Bonding Process with Digital Twin-driven Data Augmentation Method," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2024 (*equal contribution) [IEEE]

  4. Gyuho Lee, Seong-Woo Kim, and Mingu Jeon , “Machinery Value Estimation Method based on IIoT System Utilizing 1D-CNN Model for Low Sampling Rate Vibration Signals from MEMS,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 10, No. 14, pp. 12261-12275, July. 2023 [IEEE] IF: 10.6 (Top 1 in Computer Systems, Google Scholar)

  5. Jo, Sihyeon, Soohyun Shin, and Seong-Woo Kim. "Interactive Storyboarding System Leveraging Large-Scale Pre-Trained Model." Available at SSRN 4399439, Mar. 2023 [SSRN]

  6. Soohyun Shin and Seong-Woo Kim, "Exploring Creativity Education in Research-oriented College of Engineering," Journal of Engineering Education Research, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 45 - 57 Jan. 2023 [KCI]

  7. Se-Wook Yoo, Chan Kim, Jin-Woo Choi, Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "GIN: Graph-based Interaction-aware Constraint Policy Optimization for Autonomous Driving," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 464 - 471, Feb. 2023 [IEEE] IF: 5.2 (Top 2 in Robotics, Google Scholar)

  8. Sanghoon Lee*, Younghwa Jung*, Young-Hoon Park and Seong-Woo Kim, "Design of V2X-Based Vehicular Contents Centric Networks for Autonomous Driving," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp 13526 - 13537, Aug. 2022 [IEEE] IF: 8.5 (*equal contribution, Top 1 in Transportation, Google Scholar)

  9. Chan Kim, Jae-Kyung Cho, Hyung-Suk Yoon, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "UNICON: Uncertainty-Conditioned Policy for Robust Behavior in Unfamiliar Scenarios," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters with IROS, Vol. 7, No. 4, July 2022 [IEEE] IF: 5.2 (Top 2 in Robotics, Google Scholar)

  10. Mingu Jeon*, Siyun Yoo*, and Seong-Woo Kim, "A Contactless PCBA Defect Detection Method: Convolutional Neural Networks with Thermographic Images," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp 489 - 501, March 2022 [IEEE] (equal contribution)  IF: 2.2 (Top 6 in Microelectronics & Electronic Packaging, Google Scholar)

  11. Younghwa Jung, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Curb Detection and Tracking in Low-Resolution 3D Point Clouds based on Optimization Framework," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 21, No. 9, pp. 3893 - 3908, Sep. 2020 [IEEE] IF: 8.5 (Top 1 in Transportation, Google Scholar)

  12. Seong-Woo Kim, "An Interdisciplinary Capstone Course on Creative Product Development with Cross-College Collaboration," International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 919–928, May 2020

  13. Francesco Bellotti, Seong-Woo Kim, Feng-Li Lian, "Introduction to the Special Issue on Applications and Systems for Collaborative Driving," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 3457 - 3460, Dec. 2017 [IEEE] IF: 8.5 (Top 1 in Transportation, Google Scholar)

  14. Seong-Woo Kim, Gi-Poong Gwon, Woo-Sol Hur, Daejin Hyeon, Dae-Young Kim, Seong-Hyun Kim, Dong-Kyoung Kye, Sang-Hyun Lee, Yeonjun Lee, Soomok Lee, Gyu-Min Oh, Myung-Ok Shin, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Autonomous Campus Mobility Services using Driverless Taxi," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 3513 - 3526, Dec. 2017 [IEEE] IF: 8.5 (Top 1 in Transportation, Google Scholar)

  15. Myung-Ok Shin, Gyu-Min Oh, Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Real-time and Accurate Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds based on Gaussian Process Regression," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 3363 - 3377, Dec. 2017 [IEEE][video] IF: 8.5 (Top 1 in Transportation, Google Scholar)

  16. Seong-Woo Kim, and Wei Liu, "Cooperative Autonomous Driving: A Mirror Neuron Inspired Intention Awareness and Cooperative Perception Approach," IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 1939-1390, July 2016 [IEEE] IF: 3.6

  17. Gi-Poong Gwon, Woo-Sol Hur, Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Generation of a Precise and Efficient Lane-Level Road Map for Intelligent Vehicle Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 66, No. 6, June 2017 (Date of Publication: Feb. 26, 2016) [IEEE] IF: 6.8 (Top 4 in Computer Networks & Wireless Communication, Google Scholar)

  18. Seong-Woo Kim, Wei Liu, Marcelo H. Ang Jr., Emilio Frazzoli, and Daniela Rus, "The Impact of Cooperative Perception on Decision Making and Planning of Autonomous Vehicles," IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 39 - 50, July 2015 [IEEE] IF: 3.6

  19. Seong-Woo Kim, Baoxing Qin, Zhuang Jie Chong, Xiaotong Shen, Wei Liu,  Marcelo H. Ang Jr., Emilio Frazzoli, and Daniela Rus, "Multivehicle Cooperative Driving using Cooperative Perception: Design and Experimental Validation," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 663 - 680, Apr. 2015, (Date of Publication: July 28, 2014) [IEEE][video] IF: 8.5 (Top 1 in Transportation, Google Scholar)

  20. Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Cooperative Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle Control for Spatially Secure Group Communications," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Vol. 30, No. 5, 870-882, June 2012 [IEEE][PDF][video][PPT][matlab] IF: 16.4 (Top 4 in Computer Networks & Wireless Communication, Google Scholar)

  21. Mid-Eum Choi, Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Energy Management Optimization in a Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 463-472, Mar. 2012 [IEEE] IF: 9.6 (Top 1 in Power Engineering, Google Scholar)

  22. Seong-Woo Kim, Eun-Dong Lee, Mid-Eum Choi, Han-You Jeong, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Design Optimization of Vehicle Control Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 60, No. 7, pp. 3002-3016, Sep. 2011 [IEEE] IF: 6.8 (Top 2 in Computer Networks & Wireless Communication, Google Scholar)

  23. Seong-Woo Kim, Eun-Dong Lee, Dong-Hyun Je, and Seung-Woo Seo, "A Physical and Logical Security Framework for Multilevel AFCI Systems in Smart Grid," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 496-506, Sep. 2011 [IEEE] IF: 9.6 (Top 1 in Power Engineering, Google Scholar)

Conference papers

  1. Chan Kim*, Keonwoo Kim*, Donghwi Jung, Soojin Woo, Jiyang Lee, Mintaek Oh, Hanbi Baek, Younkyung Woo, John Tucker, Roya Firoozi, Mac Shwager, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "E2Map: Experience-and-Emotion Map for Self-Reflective Robot Navigation with Language Models," in preparation for IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025 (*equal contribution)

  2. Donghwi Jung, Andres Pulido, Jaejeong Shin, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Point Cloud Structural Similarity-based Underwater Sonar Loop Detection," in preparation for IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025

  3. Soohyun Shin, Trevor Evetts, Hunter Saylor, Hyunji Kim, Soojin Woo, Wonhwha Rhee, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Non-verbal Interaction and Interface with a Quadruped Robot using Body and Hand Gestures: Design and User Experience Evaluation," to appear in European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Milano, Italy, Sep. 2024 [arXiv][video]

  4. Ju-Hyeok Ryu, Chan Kim, and Seong-Woo Kim, “Active Automotive Augmented Reality Displays using Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Yokohama, Japan, May 2024 [IEEE][video] (Top 1 in Robotics, Google Scholar)

  5. Soojin Woo*, Donghwi Jung*, and Seong-Woo Kim. "No More Potentially Dynamic Objects: Static Point Cloud Map Generation based on 3D Object Detection and Ground Projection." arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.01073, June 2024 [video][arXiv] (*equal contribution)

  6. Yoonkyu Yoo*, Donghwi Jung*, and Seong-Woo Kim. "3D Operation of Autonomous Excavator based on Reinforcement Learning through Independent Reward for Individual Joints." arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.19848, June 2024 [video][arXiv] (*equal contribution)

  7. Chan Kim, Jae-Kyung Cho, Christophe Bobda, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, “SeRO: Self-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Recovery from Out-of-Distribution Situations,” International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Macau, Aug. 2023 (Acceptance ratio: 15%, Top 3 in Artificial Intelligence, Google Scholar) [arXiv]

  8. Jae-Kyung Cho, Chan Kim, Mohamed Khalid M Jaffar, Michael W. Otte, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Low-Level Controller in Response to Changes In quadrotor Dynamics," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, UK, June 2023 [IEEE][video] (Top 1 in Robotics, Google Scholar)

  9. Se-Wook Yoo, Chan Kim, Jin-Woo Choi, Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "GIN: Graph-based Interaction-aware Constraint Policy Optimization for Autonomous Driving," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, UK, June 2023, with IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters [IEEE] (Top 1 in Robotics, Google Scholar)

  10. Donghwi Jung, Jae-Kyung Cho, Younghwa Jung, Soohyun Shin, and Seong-Woo Kim, “LoRCoN-LO: Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional Network-Based LiDAR Odometry,” International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), 2023 [arXiv] [IEEE]

  11. Sang Rak Kim, Chan Kim, Soohyun Shin, and Seong-Woo Kim, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Semi-Active Suspension: A Feasibility Study,” International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), 2023 [IEEE]

  12. Younghwa Jung, Zhenyuan Yuan, Seung-Woo Seo, Minghui Zhu, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Learning Neural Processes on the Fly," IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Asia (ICCE-Asia), Oct. 2022 [IEEE]

  13. Sihyeon Jo, Zhenyuan Yuan, and Seong-Woo Kim, “Interactive Storyboarding for Rapid Visual Story Generation,” IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Asia (ICCE-Asia), Oct. 2022 [IEEE]

  14. Chan Kim, Jae-Kyung Cho, Hyung-Suk Yoon, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "UNICON: Uncertainty-Conditioned Policy for Robust Behavior in Unfamiliar Scenarios," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, with IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Oct. 2022 [IEEE]

  15. Younghwa Jung, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Fast Point Clouds Upsampling with Uncertainty Quantification for Autonomous Vehicles,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia, US, May 2022 [IEEE] (Top 1 in Robotics, Google Scholar)

  16. Byeong Yeon Ryu, Won Nyoung Park, Donghwi Jung and Seong-Woo Kim, "Landmark Localization for Drone Aerial Mapping Using GPS and Sparse Point Cloud for Photogrammetry Pipeline Automation," International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), Feb. 2022 [IEEE]

  17. Chan Kim, Jae-Kyung Cho, Younghwa Jung, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Action-Conditioned Traffic Scene Prediction for Interactive Planning," International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), Feb. 2022 [IEEE]

  18. Jin-Woo Lee, Keonwoo Kim, Soohyun Shin, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Vision-based Collision Avoidance for Mobile Robots through Sim-to-Real Transfer" International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), Feb. 2022 [IEEE]

  19. Kyunghyun Kim, Mingu Jeon, Soohyun Shin, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Finding Second Hierarchy Point for Cooperative Multi-Vehicles using P-median and Voronoi Diagram Vertices," International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), 2022 [IEEE]

  20. Heung-Min Park, Dong-Hwi Jung, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Semi-Communicate Social Navigation using Deep Q Networks," International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), Feb. 2022 [IEEE]

  21. Jae-Kyung Cho, Sihyeon Jo, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Non-myopic Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving Combining Single-Query and Multi-Query Methods," International Conf. on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), Feb. 2022 [IEEE]

  22. Chan Kim, Hyung-Suk Yoon, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "STFP: Simultaneous Traffic scene Forecasting and Planning for Autonomous Driving," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Prague, Czech Republic, Sep/Oct 2021 [IEEE]

  23. Hyung-Suk Yoon, Chan Kim, Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Self-Balancing of Online Dataset for Incremental Driving Intelligence," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Prague, Czech Republic, Sep/Oct 2021 [YouTube][IEEE]

  24. Hwa-Jong Lee, Sihyeon Jo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Reinforcement learning for one-armed transfer robots in display manufacturing," International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), Aug. 2021

  25. Jae-Young Jang, Jae-Kyung Cho, and Seong-Woo Kim, "A Pilot study of Anomaly Detection Model in Film Stretching Process Using Multivariate Timeseries Data," Summer Annual Conference of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, July 2021

  26. In-Ho Choi, Dongwhi Jung, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Anomaly detection in the package bonding process applying a time series pattern," Summer Annual Conference of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, July 2021

  27. Younghwa Jung, Mingu Jeon, Chan Kim, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Uncertainty-Aware Fast Curb Detection Using Convolutional Networks in Point Clouds," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi'an, China, 2021 [IEEE] (Top 1 in Robotics, Google Scholar)

  28. Soohyun Shin, Jaekyung Cho, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Jumple: Interactive Contents for the Virtual Physical Education Classroom in the Pandemic Era," ACM Augmented Humans International Conference, February 22–24, 2021, Rovaniemi, Finland [ACM]

  29. Sihyeon Jo, Donghwi Jung, Keonwoo Kim, Eun Gyo Joung, Giulia Nespoli, Seungryong Yoo, Minseob So, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "A Robotic Dating Coaching System Leveraging Online Communities Posts," International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), 2021

  30. Seong-Woo Kim, "Kepler vs Newton: Teaching Programming And Math to Almost All-Majors in a Single Classroom," IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Kagawa, Japan, Dec. 2020. [IEEE]

  31. Sanghoon Lee, Younghwa Jung, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Object Selection based Multi-channel Transmission for Cooperative Perception," Summer Annual Conference of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, Aug. 2020

  32. Sihyeon Jo, Seungryong Yoo, Sangwon Im, Seung Hee Yang, Hee-Eun Kim, SangWook Han, and Seong-Woo Kim, "A Scalable Chatbot Platform Leveraging Online Community Posts: A Proof-of-Concept Study," HCI Korea, Aug. 2020

  33. Chi-Gon Jung, Jonghyeok Lee, Youngjin Ju, Yong-Been Kwon, Seong-Woo Kim and Yunheung Paek, "LizarMong: Excellent Key Encapsulation Mechanism based on RLWE and RLWR," International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Dec. 2019 (Bronze Awarded in cryptography competition, AR < 25%)

  34. Jong-Hyuk Woo, Seong-Woo Kim, and Jong-Mo Seo, "Automated Arrhythmia Detection in Mobile Phone-based Electrocardiography using Convolutional Neural Networks," BMES annual meeting, Philadelphia, Oct. 2019.

  35. Winnie Leung, Yun Wang and Seong-Woo Kim, "Global Product Development: Project-based Multidisciplinary Joint Course," International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Scotland, Sep. 2019

  36. Jong-Hyuk Woo, Seung-Won Choi, Seong-Woo Kim and Jong-Mo Seo, "Implementation of the Recurrent Neural Networks onto the Remote Photoplethysmography-based Heart Rate Monitoring," International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, July 2019.

  37. Jeonghyun Park, Seungho Shin, Jae Yeob Kim, Kee Hyun Park, Seungjun Lee, Mingu Jeon, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Preliminary Research of HTP Sentiment Analysis Automation on Children's Drawing," HCI Korea, 2019

  38. Jong-Hyuk Woo, Seugn-Won Choi, Jong-Mo Seo, Seong-Woo Kim, Byung-Eun Ahn, Dong-Ju Lee, Yeon-Seok Choi, and In-Soo Lee, "Remote Driver Monitoring Systems using AI Sensor Solution," HCI Korea, Feb. 2019

  39. Jong-hyuk Woo, Jongmo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, "A Personal Health Index Algorithm using S-Patch IoT Ecosystems," SMIT2018-IBEC2018, Nov. 2018

  40. Mingu Jeon and Seong-Woo Kim, "Real-Time Multi Object Tracking with Target Class for Autonomous Vehicles," International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Oct. 2018

  41. Dong-Hwan Kim and Seong-Woo Kim, "Blockchain-Based Proof of Renewable Energy Sources for ESS Utilization," International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Oct. 2018

  42. Yang-sun Ryu and Seong-Woo Kim, "A Pilot Implementation for Blockchain based IoT Edge Devices," International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Oct. 2018

  43. Eun-Dong Lee and Seong-Woo Kim, "Detection of Two-Wheeled Vehicles in Automotive Vision," International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Oct. 2018

  44. Seong-Woo Kim, "Hierarchical Curriculum Structure in Academic Makerspaces," 3rd International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces, Aug. 2018, Stanford, CA

  45. Seong-Woo Kim, "Conditions of Successful Convergence in Creative Education," Conference on Creative Application, June 2018

  46. Seung Hee Yang, Sangwoo Park, Taemyung Yang, Ilhyung Jin, Wooil Kim, Chingwei Liu, Seong-Woo Kim and Juhyun Eune, "Introducing Smart Pillow using Actuator Mechanism, Pressure Sensors, and Deep Learning-based ASR," ACM Augmented Human International Conference, Feb. 2018 [ACM]

  47. Ji Yoon Ahn, Dong Wan Kim, Yong Hyeon Lee, Woori Kim, Jeong Kuk Hong, Yeonbo Shim, Jin Ho Kim, Juhyun Eune and Seong-Woo Kim, "MOYA: Interactive AI toy for children to develop their language skills," ACMAugmented Human International Conference, Feb. 2018 [ACM]

  48. Jiyong Kim, Hyunsu Jeong, Azure Pham, Changhyeon Lee, Thiha Soe, Pilwoo Lee, Mingu Lee, Seong-Woo Kim, and Juhyun Eune,  "Introduction of an Interactive Growing Robot/Toy for Babies," Advances in Computer Science and Ubiquitous Computing, Dec. 2017

  49. Seong-Woo Kim, "The Rise of Self-Driving Technologies: Mobility and Transportation Services," International Conference on Engineering Innovation (ICEI), Dec. 2017

  50. Seong-Woo Kim, "Makerspace and Appropriate Technology in Education," International Conference on Appropriate Technology (ICAT), Dec. 2017

  51. Seong-Woo Kim, "Establishment and Operation of Makerspace in University," Conference on Engineering Education, Sep. 2017

  52. Qiqi Liu, Minchul Sa, Hyunkyu Lee, Mingu Lee, Seong-Woo Kim and Juhyun Eune, "Peekabot: Hide and seek Robot to Help Children’s Cognitive/Physical Development," ACM SGICHI 2017 [video][ACM]

  53. Jiyong Kim, Hyunsu Jeong, Changhyeon Lee, Azure Pham, Thiha Soe, Pilwoo Lee, Mingu Lee, Seong-Woo Kim, and Juhyun Eune, "Buddy: Interactive Toy that can Play, Grow, and Remember with Baby," ACM SIGCHI 2017 [video][ACM]

  54. Jisun Lee, and Seong-Woo Kim "SNU Idea Factory with Integrative Approaches: From Physical Space, Education, to Culture," 1st International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces, Nov. 2016, MIT, Cambridge, MA

  55. Seong-Woo Kim, Seung-Woo Seo, Jongwon Kim, and Kunwoo Lee, "An Interdisciplinary Capstone Course on Creative Product Development with Cross-college Collaboration," WEEF & GEDC, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 6-10, 2016

  56. Seong-Woo Kim, Jisun Lee, MyoungSouk Yeo, Jongwon Kim, and Kunwoo Lee, "SNU Creative Space Project with Cross-college and Faculty-student Collaboration," WEEF & GEDC, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 6-10, 2016

  57. Soomok Lee, Daejin Hyeon, Gikwang Park, Il-joo Baek, Seong-Woo Kim and Seung-Woo Seo, "Directional-DBSCAN: Parking-slot Detection using a Clustering Method in Around-View Monitoring System," IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2016 [IEEE]

  58. Daejin Hyeon, Soomok Lee, Seong-Woo Kim and Seung-Woo Seo, "Robust Road Marking Detection Using Convex Grouping Method in Around-View Monitoring System," IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2016 [IEEE]

  59. Dong-Kyoung Kye, Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Decision Making for Automated Driving at Unsignalized Intersection," International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Oct. 2015 [IEEE]

  60. Woo-Sol Hur, Seung-Tak Choi, Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Precise Free Space Detection and Its Application to Background Extraction," IEEE International conferences on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, & Robotics, Automation and Mechantronics (CIS & RAM), Angkor Wat, Cambodia, July 2015 (nominated for best student paper award) [IEEE]

  61. Wei Liu, Seong-Woo Kim, and Marcelo H. Ang Jr., "Probabilistic Road Context Inference for Autonomous Vehicles," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Seattle, May 2015 [IEEE][video]

  62. Soomok Lee, Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Accurate Ego-Lane Recognition utilizing Multiple Road Characteristics in a Bayesian Network Framework," IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2015, Seoul, Korea [IEEE][video]

  63. Wei Liu, Seong-Woo Kim, Scott Pendleton and Marcelo H. Ang Jr., "Situation-aware Decision-Making for Autonomous Driving on Urban Road using Online POMDP," IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2015, Seoul, Korea [IEEE][video]

  64. DooSan Baek, Gi-Poong Gwon, Gyumin Oh, In-Sub Yoo and Seong-Woo Kim, "Cooperative Target Detection using UGV-UAV Platform with a Docking System," International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC), Singapore, Jan. 2015 [video]

  65. Dong-Kyoung Kye, Myungok Shin, Gi-Poong Gwon, Seung-Tak Choi, In-Sub Yoo, Bo-Kyung Seo, Soomok Lee, Hanseul Lee, Yeonjun Lee, Gyumin Oh, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Development of an Autonomous Vehicle : Baby In Car," International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication, Singapore, Jan. 2015

  66. Wei Liu, Seong-Woo Kim, and Marcelo H. Ang Jr., "Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Driving in Clustered Pedestrian Environment: Framework and Experimental Evaluation," International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC), Singapore, Jan. 2015

  67. Gi-Poong Gwon, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Building a Precise Roadway Map for Autonomous Vehicle Driving", International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication, Singapore, Jan. 2015

  68. Myungok Shin, Mid-eum Choi, Gi-Poong Gwon, Seung-Tak Choi, In-Sub Yoo, Bokyung Seo, Gyumin Oh, DooSan Baek, Seong-Woo Kim, "A Track Boundary Detection Method by Utilizing Temporary Local Coordinate ," International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication, Singapore, Jan. 2015 [video]

  69. Gi-Poong Gwon, Eun-Dong Lee, Seung-Nam Kang, Mid-eum Choi, Myungok Shin, Seung-Tak Choi, In-Sub Yoo, Bokyung Seo, DooSan Baek, and Seong-Woo Kim, "A Multi-UGV Testbed for Autonomous Vehicle Cooperative Driving," Interna. Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication, Singapore, Jan. 2015 [video]

  70. Seong-Woo Kim, Wei Liu, Marcelo H. Ang Jr., Seung-Woo Seo, and Danilea Rus, "Cooperative Autonomous Driving using Cooperative Perception and Mirror Neuron Inspired Intention Awareness," IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE), Vienna, Austria, Nov. 2014 (AR=33.5%, Best Paper Finalist)

  71. Wei Liu, Seong-Woo Kim, Katarzyna Anna Marczuk, and Marcelo H. Ang Jr., "Vehicle Motion Intention Reasoning using Cooperative Perception on Urban Road," IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Qingdao, China, Oct. 2014 [IEEE]

  72. Xiaotong Shen, Seong-Woo Kim, and Marcelo H. Ang Jr., "Spatio-Temporal Motion Features for Laser-based Moving Objects Detection and Tracking," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)Chicago, Illinois, Sep. 2014 [video][IEEE]

  73. Seong-Woo Kim, Wei Liu, and Katarzyna Anna Marczuk, "Autonomous Parking from a Random Drop Point," IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Dearborn, Michigan, pp. 498-503, June 2014 [IEEE][video]

  74. Scott Pendleton, Zhuang Jie Chong, Baoxing Qin, Wei Liu, Tawit Uthaicharoenpong, Xiaotong Shen, Guo Ming James Fu, Marcello Scarnecchia, Seong-Woo Kim, Marcelo H. Ang Jr., and Emilio Frazzoli, "Multi-class Driverless Vehicle Cooperation for Mobility on Demand," ITS World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, Sep. 2014

  75. Seong-Woo Kim, Zhuang Jie Chong, Baoxing Qin, Wei Liu, Xiaotong Shen, Scott Pendleton, Tawit Uthaicharoenpong, Marcello Scarnecchia, Daniel Morton, Diluka Moratuwage, Guo Ming James Fu, Tirthankar Bandyopadhyay, Marcelo H. Ang Jr., Emilio Frazzoli, and Daniela Rus, "Cooperative Driving of Autonomous/Intelligent Vehicles using Cooperative Perception on the Road: Productivity and Performance," accepted to International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS), 2014

  76. Wei Liu, Seong-Woo Kim, Zhuang Jie Chong, Xiaotong Shen and Marcelo H. Ang Jr., "Motion Planning using Cooperative Perception on Urban Road," IEEE International conferences on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, & Robotics, Automation and Mechantronics (CIS & RAM), Manila, Philippines, Nov. 2013 [IEEE]

  77. Seong-Woo Kim, Zhuang Jie Chong, Baoxing Qin, Xiaotong Shen, Zhuoqi Cheng, Wei Liu, and Marcelo H. Ang Jr., "Cooperative Perception for Autonomous Vehicle Control on the Road: Motivation and Experimental Results," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2013 [IEEE][video]

  78. B. Rebsamen, T. Bandyopadhyay, T. Wongpiromsarn, S. Kim, Z. J. Chong, B. Qin,  M. H. Ang Jr., E. Frazzoli and D. Rus, "Utilizing the Infrastructure to Assist Autonomous Vehicles in a Mobility on Demand Context," IEEE TENCON, Cebu, Philippines, Nov. 2012 [IEEE]

  79. Z. J. Chong, B. Qin, T. Bandyopadhyay, T. Wongpiromsarn, B. Rebsamen, P. Dai, S. Kim, M. H. Ang Jr., D. Hsu, D. Rus, and E. Frazzoli, "Autonomy for Mobility on Demand," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Video Session, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, Oct. 2012 [IEEE][video]

  80. Seong-Woo Kim, Gi-Poong Gwon, Seung-Tak Choi, Seung-Nam Kang, Myoung-Ok Shin, In-Sub Yoo, Eun-Dong Lee, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Multiple Vehicle Driving Control for Traffic Flow Efficiency," IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), June 2012, Alcalá de Henares, Spain [IEEE][video]

  81. Seong-Woo Kim, Eun-Dong Lee and Seung-Woo Seo, "Optimal Task Allocation for Vehicle Control Networks," accepted to IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), New Jersey, Dec. 2010

  82. Seong-Woo Kim, Eun-Dong Lee and Seung-Woo Seo, "A Study of Security Quantification in Overlay Networks", Summer Annual Conference of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, Nov. 2010 [DBPia]

  83. Seong-Woo Kim, Mid-Eum Choi, Xavier Punithan and Seung-Woo Seo, "Joint Optimization of Control Network Design in Time and Space Domains," IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), June 2010, San Diego, CA [IEEE]

  84. Hyung-Seok Kim, Seong-Woo Kim, Gi-Poong Gwon, Dong-Ryul Lee and Seung-Woo Seo, "Multi-level Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter with Collaborative Communications for Smart Grid," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010 [IEEE]

  85. Seong-Woo Kim, Jong-Ho Park, Eun-Dong Lee, Mid-Eum Choi and Seung-Woo Seo, "Threat Analysis of Incubation Period in Malware Epidemics," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2010 [IEEE]

  86. Mid-Eum Choi, Seong-Woo Kim and Seong-Woo Seo, "Status Quo and Perspective of Vehicular Communication Technologies," Proceedings of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, vol. 37, no.5, pp. 451-465, May 2010 [IEEK]

  87. Eun-Dong Lee, Gi-Poong Gwon, Seong-Woo Kim and Seung-Woo Seo, "QoS and Security Requirements in Smart Grid Networks," Proceedings of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 10-16, Apr. 2010 [KICS]

  88. Seong-Woo Kim, Eun-Dong Lee, and Seung-Woo Seo, "Threat Analysis of Incubation Period in Epidemic Malicious Codes", Summer Annual Conference of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, Nov. 2009 [DBPia]

  89. Seong-Woo Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo  "A Study of Performance Optimization for Control Networks in Time/Space Domains", Summer Annual Conference of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, July 2009 [DBPia]

  90. Seong-Woo Kim and Seung-Woo Seo, "Dual Authentications for Fast Handoff in IEEE 802.11 WLANs: A Reactive Approach," IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory, and Aerospace and Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless VITAE'09), Aalborg, Denmark, May 2009 (Outstanding student paper award) [IEEE]

  91. Ye Yan, Jiannong Cao, Chuda Liu, Seong-Woo Kim and Weigang Wu, "A Dual Re-Authentication Scheme for Fast Handoff in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 2009 [IEEE]

  92. Seong-Woo Kim, Hyeong-Jun Kim, and Seung-Woo Seo, "A Study of Priority and Non-preemptive Scheduling for Distributed Systems", Conference of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, Nov. 2008 [DBPia]

  93. Seong-Woo Kim, Woo-Jin Park, Wook Kim and Sun-Shin An, "Dynamic Sensing Level Selection for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE), Dallas, Texas, June 2007 (Best student paper award) [IEEE]

  94. Seong-Woo Kim and Sun-Shin An, "Analysis of Information Technology Evolution: An Entropy Tree Perspective," IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST), Cairns, Australia, Feb. 2007 [IEEE]

Book chapter

  1. Seong-Woo Kim, Tirthankar Bandyopadhyay, Baoxing Qin, Zhuang Jie Chong, Wei Liu, Xiaotong Shen, Scott Pendleton, James Guo Ming Fu, Marcelo H. Ang Jr., Emilio Frazzoli, and Daniela Rus "Vehicle Autonomy using Cooperative Perception for Mobility-on-Demand Systems," Motion and Operation Planning of Robotics System: Background and Practical Approaches, Springer Verlag, March 13, 2015 [Book][Chapter]


  1. Junho Kim, “Retrieval-Augmented Generation with External Domain Knowledge for Continuous Cloud Service Support,” Aug. 2024

  2. Yoonkyu Yoo, “3D Control of Hydraulic Excavator based on TD3 Reinforcement Learning with Joint-Specific Independent Reward Strategy,” Feb. 2024 [arXiv]

  3. Jeongin Yoon, “Enhancing Target Accuracy Through Disturbance-Resilient Turret Control in Continuous Firing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning,” Feb. 2024

  4. Hongsun Kim, “DNN-based Acoustic Distortion Fault Prediction System to Compliment Human Auditory Evaluation,” Feb. 2024

  5. Joohyuk Ryu, “Active Automotive Augmented Reality Displays using Reinforcement Learning,” Feb. 2024

  6. JaeKyung Cho, “Low-level controller in response to changes in quadrotor dynamics,” Feb. 2023

  7. Sihyeon Jo, “Interactive Storyboarding System Leveraging Large-Scale Pre-trained Model,” Feb. 2023

  8. Jaesung Hwang, “Early Defects Detection using Test Cases Prioritization in Iterative Software Development Processes,” Feb. 2023

  9. Bonhak Ku, “Real-time Eye Blink Detection System for Driver’s Side Face in Autonomous Driving Environment,” Feb. 2023

  10. Junyong Ahn, “Pattern Generation based on Usage History for Self-Emissive Display Luminance Uniformity Using Convolutional Neural Networks,” Feb. 2023

  11. Sangrak Kim, “Optimization of Energy Consumption of All-Wheel Drive Battery Electric Vehicle using Deep Reinforcement Learning,” Feb. 2023

  12. Hwajong Lee, “Reinforcement Learning of Display Transfer Robots in Flow Control Systems: A Physical Simulation-based Approach,” Feb. 2022 [arXiv]

  13. Jaeyoung Jang, “Anomaly Detection on Rare Event in Continuous Roll-To-Roll Manufacturing Process Using Multivariate Timeseries,” Feb. 2022

  14. Inho Choi, “Anomaly Detection for Manufacturing Process of Non-ductile Material Using Digital Twin-Based Data Augmentation,” Feb. 2022

  15. Gyuho Lee, “Real-time collateral risk management for Movable Asset using Accelerometer and Magnetometer with Deep Learning,” Feb. 2022

  16. Sanghoon Lee, “Design of V2X-based Vehicular Contents Delivery Network for Autonomous Driving,” Feb. 2021

  17. Siyun Yoo, “Deep Learning Analysis of Thermographic Images for Contactless PCBA Defect Detection,” Feb. 2021

  18. Donghwan Kim, “Resolving Interlocking Problem in Heterogeneous Power Grid Network Using Blockchain Based Key Update,” Feb. 2020


  1. Jae-Kyung Cho, and Seong-Woo Kim, “Obstacle detection system for autonomous vehicle or robot,” patented at Nov. 29, 2023, 1026094890000

  2. Chan Kim, Hyung-Suk Yoon, Seung-Woo Seo, and Seong-Woo Kim, “Uncertainty conditional deep reinforcement learning method and its processing device,” patented, Oct. 13, 2023, 1025907910000

  3. Sihyeon Jo, Keonwoo Kim, and Seong-Woo Kim, “Sequential Image Retrieval System Utilizing Graph Similarities,” applied for a patent, Oct. 29, 2021 (10-2021-0147034)

  4. Keonwoo Kim, Sihyeon Jo, and Seong-Woo Kim, “Sentence-Based Sketch Recommendation System And Method,” applied for a patent, Oct. 29, 2021 (10-2021-0147002)

  5. Younghwa Jung, and Seong-Woo Kim, "A real-time 3D point cloud upsampling method for autonomous driving," applied for a patent, July 23, 2021 (10-2021-0097264)

  6. Soohyun Shin, Jaekyung Cho, and Seong-Woo Kim, "Online physical education system using augmented reality contents," applied for a patent, Feb. 4, 2021 (10-2021-0016167)

  7. Dong-Hyun Je, Junsik Lee, Seong-Woo Kim, Seung-Woo Seo and Yongsuk Park, "Rekeying system and method according to communication cost and security damage cost," patented at Dec. 5, 2014 (101472064)

  8. Yongsuk Park, Seung-Woo Seo, Dong Hyun Je, Seong-Woo Kim, Jun Sik Lee, "System and method of updating key based on communication cost and security damage cost," US patented at Nov. 4, 2014 (US20090323964)

  9. Seong-Woo Kim, Eun-Dong Lee and Seung-Woo Seo, "Control network design algorithm and system considering time and space optimization for cost reduction," patented at July 16, 2013, (101288464)

  10. Seong-Woo Kim, Myung-Ok Shin and Seung-Woo Seo, "Moving body detection area expansion method through communications between moving bodies and between the moving body and a base station and a system thereof," patented at Feb. 28, 2012, (101123737)

  11. Min-Ho Park, Seong-Woo Kim and Seung-Woo Seo, "Multidirectional emergency guide Lamp, emergency guide system and method using the same," patented at Feb. 10, 2010, (100943134)

  12. Seong-Woo Kim and Sun-Shin An, "Mobile robot for wireless network enhancement method using mobile robot and record medium for the same," patented at Mar. 6, 2009, (100888676)