


Basic Mathematics and Programming Practice for Machine Learning (M2177.005800) [Video]

How to Make a Robot with Artificial Intelligence (M2177.002600)

Global Product Development (M2177.002400) [Video]



Autonomous Robot Intelligence (M2866.003700)

Advanced Digital Fabrication and Practice (M2866.004200) [Video 1][Video 2]

Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing (M2866.004300)

Artificial Intelligence Project Planning and Making (M2866.003400) [Video]

FALL 2024

Autonomous Robot Intelligence

How to Make a Robot with Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to Technology Management, Economics and Policy

FALL 2023

Artificial Intelligence Project Planning and Making (M2866.003400, Prof. S. Shin) [Video]

Spring 2023

Basic Mathematics and Programming Practice for Machine Learning

Advanced Digital Fabrication and Practice

Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing

Decomposition and Recreation (with Faculty meeting for creativity education)

Winter 2022/2023

SNU in Australia: Climate Crisis and Green Management

Fall 2022

Seminar for Engineering Practice I

Autonomous Robot Intelligence

Spring 2022

Basic Mathematics and Programming Practice for Machine Learning

How to Make a Robot with Artificial Intelligence

Advanced Digital Fabrication and Practice

Sensors and Acturators (Arusha Technical College, Tanzania) [link]

Fall 2021

Autonomous Robot Intelligence

How to Make a Robot with Artificial Intelligence

Spring 2021

Basic Mathematics and Programming Practice for Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing

Advanced Digital Fabrication and Practice

Fall 2020

Autonomous Robot Intelligence (M2866.003700)

Artificial Intelligence Project Planning and Making (M2866.003400)

Spring 2020

Basic Mathematics and Programming Practice for Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing

Advanced Digital Fabrication and Practice

Fall 2019

Autonomous Robot Intelligence

Advanced Digital Fabrication and Practice

Spring 2019

Autonomous Robot Intelligence

Design for Engineering Practice

Basic Mathematics and Programming Practice for Machine Learning

Fall 2018

Autonomous Robot Intelligence

Advanced Digital Fabrication and Practice

Global Product Development

Spring 2018

Essential Mathematics and Programming for Deep Learning

Design for Engineering Practice

SNU in Australia, in front of termite mounds in Litchfield National Park, during the 2500 km exploration from Darwin to Uluru, Jan. 2023.

Summer joint workshop with SNU and Sookmyung Women's University, Aug. 2022.

In the spring of 2022, at the peak of the pandemic, I conducted an one-semester course, Sensors and Actuators, with 33 university students in Tanzania, 10,000 kilometers away from Seoul, 2022.

Galaxy No. Seed 7729, generated by a student D. Han and gifted to me in IAB (Field Application Research of IoT, AI, and Big Data 1) class, Jan. 2022.

Basic Mathematics and Programming Practice for Machine Learning, 2020 during pandemic.

Basic Mathematics and Programming Practice for Machine Learning, 2019.

Essential Mathematics for Deep Learning, Summer 2018.

Engineering Communication, Fall 2014.

SNU Graduate School of Engineering Practice Boot Camp, Singapore, June 2023.

SNU in Australia, Sydney, Jan. 2023.

Global Product Development 2016, at Shenzhen.

Global Product Development 2016, at Hong Kong.

Global Product Development 2016, at Seoul.

Global Product Development 2017, at Shenzhen with Beihang University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, and Seoul National University.


  • Warm-up items for AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning [link]